Making a House Call

Brooke and I took a short trip up to Garfield Park Conservatory today and what a nice break from the January chill.  While everything outside is gray everything inside was sure green, except the fish.  There were a lot of others that thought this was a good idea too.  If it wasn’t for the required time reservation and covid card check I bet the place would have been even busier.  We noticed that there were basically three different types or groups of people were at the greenhouse.  The first and most obvious are the families with small children, what a great place to get out of the house and let the kids burn off some energy.  The second was older, possibly retired, adult couples.  I was surprised at how many of them were toating large cameras.  The last group, which Brooke pointed out, is groups of young hip art types.  Makes sense, its a cool place to meet and it’s free.



Alternative Process Atlanta Beach Beverly Shores Black & White Boston Canon Cat Chicago Collodion Commercial Crappy Camera Culver Darkroom Deardorff Debonair Dunes Fall Family Film Fuji X-Pro Hipstamatic Instagram iPhone IQ350 Large Format Leica M6 M240 Medium Format Michigan New York P65+ Paper Negative Pebbles Phase One Portait Projects R8 Railroad Scrapping South Carolina Studio Sweden Wet Plate

I stand still or move slowly, feeling things like the impulse of shapes, the direction of lines, the quality of surfaces. I frame with my eye (sometimes with my hands) as the ground glass would frame. Nothing that one could reasonably call thinking is taking place at this stage. The condition is total absorption; the decision (a picture!) is spontaneous. – Aaron Siskind, 1955

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