
  • Revolution at Cantigny

    Revolution at Cantigny

    Ry and I had some fun last weekend reliving the revolution at Cantigny.  I think Ryan’s sole reason for going with me was for education…… NOT!  His desires fell on a beautiful wooden sword.  They had a canon demonstration which was very loud, and battle where…. I won’t ruin who won.  And finally a parade… Continue reading

  • A Visit to Magritte

    A Visit to Magritte

    I had a chance to see the Magritte exhibit at the Art Institute the other week and Wow what a site. The exhibit is coming to a close this next weekend and if you have a chance I urge you to go. I remember as a young boy thumbing through books that my brother had… Continue reading

  • My Kingly Duties

    My Kingly Duties

    I’m now over halfway through my Chamber Presidency and I knew from the get go that there would be an uptick in my activity level.  I wasn’t, however, really prepared for my mug to end up in the paper.  And to have this image show up….. well, I have a better idea how my subjects… Continue reading

  • Pandemonium Run

    Pandemonium Run

    Its that time of year when all good habits need to come back.  The kids are almost all back to school and this crazy upheaval of a summer comes to a close.   There is still summer left and I’m hoping that the reports of the tree’s color changing in Michigan is greatly exaggerated. A… Continue reading

  • In The Moment

    In The Moment

    Being on vacation is always double edge sword.  I love the going away part but the getting out of town and (worse) the getting back in the swing of things is a killer.  It was a great time away with E and the kids, time to let the hair down, I take my fun seriously.… Continue reading

  • I found a new love

    I found a new love

    Yes….. Wet Plate just might be my new love.  It takes a lot longer to do that shooting with large format, I like slowing down. One of the more fascinating aspects of the process is that the collodion is mostly sensitive to ultraviolet light.  This is challenging because the colors being photographed are rendered differently… Continue reading

  • Oh, New York!

    Oh, New York!

    14 hours each way on a bus and well…. let’s just say it throws you off your new year’s resolutions… for a bit.  I was a chaperone for the Sandburg Band’s trip to N.Y City.  I had 12 fine young men that I had to keep an eye on.   They actually made my job… Continue reading

  • Save it for Later

    Save it for Later

    I was looking on the web for more info on saving family history for our future genrations.  And I ran across a part of the Library of Congress web site that was completely dedicated to family history presevation.  I can’t tell you how please I was.  In the past I have gone to the LOC… Continue reading

  • Things I still need to learn

    Things I still need to learn

    Don’t sit near the student section unless you want to smell of baby powder! Continue reading

Alternative Process Atlanta Beach Beverly Shores Black & White Boston Canon Cat Chicago Collodion Commercial Crappy Camera Culver Darkroom Deardorff Debonair Dunes Fall Family Film Fuji X-Pro Hipstamatic Instagram iPhone IQ350 Large Format Leica M6 M240 Medium Format Michigan New York P65+ Paper Negative Pebbles Phase One Portait Projects R8 Railroad Scrapping South Carolina Studio Sweden Wet Plate

I stand still or move slowly, feeling things like the impulse of shapes, the direction of lines, the quality of surfaces. I frame with my eye (sometimes with my hands) as the ground glass would frame. Nothing that one could reasonably call thinking is taking place at this stage. The condition is total absorption; the decision (a picture!) is spontaneous. – Aaron Siskind, 1955

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