Got it done!
I love early voting. It was so easy, and there was no waiting. Ry missed out this time, but we’ll get him an absentee ballot in November. Continue reading
So, what’s in the trunk?
My good friend Brian told me he had something special he thought I would like. He wasn’t kidding! He had received this view camera kit from a client about 25 years ago and hadn’t used it much. He knew I was into view cameras and he thought I might put it to some use. He… Continue reading
Baking the Cake
Friday’s trip to Central Camera made for fun weekend work in the darkroom. It’s nice to have chemistry. Now for some scanning. darkroom #blackandwhitephotography #largeformatphotography #largeformat #largeformatportrait #film #filmisnotdead Continue reading
Visiting An Old Friend – Getting Needed Supplies
Success!!! Developer in hand. It’s hard to find chemistry locally these days. darkroom #analogphotography #film #filmisnotdead #largeformatphoto Continue reading
A Train Ride For The Darkroom
I am on my way to Central Camera to get some developing supplies. Just waiting for the train to get here. centralcamera #metra #johnhumphrys #analogphotography #darkroom #traintravel #railroad Continue reading
The Backroads to Education at Imaging USA.
There is nothing like the view from roads that aren’t the expressway. On this trip, I decided to see something and give myself a little treat. I started with Illinois Route 1 to Momence. Then I wove my way over to US 41 and took that down to Veedersburg. I would have gone down to… Continue reading
Under cover in style.
I love walking in the city. So much to discover and see. rainy #umbrella #commuter #weather #windycity #picoftheday Continue reading
It’s all in the shoes 👟
Those Shoes I really love finding images when multiple elements start to line up. I was these brides’ maids standing in the parking lot after the wedding and I notice the shoes, the hands and the dresses. It was a question whether they would line up in an interesting graphic way. The images below is… Continue reading
Patrick Image from a recent senior session I know this may be techie… but. The new lens I got when I sold off my medium format gear has been so much fun in studio. I can shift between strobe shooting and available light with one lens, f5.6 to f2 in without swapping lenses or cameras. … Continue reading
Alternative Process Atlanta Beach Beverly Shores Black & White Boston Canon Cat Chicago Collodion Commercial Culver Darkroom Deardorff Dunes Fall Family Film Fuji X-Pro Hipstamatic Instagram iPhone IQ350 Large Format Leica M6 M240 Medium Format Michigan New York P65+ Paper Negative Pebbles Phase One Portait Projects R8 Railroad Scrapping South Carolina Stellwagan Farm Studio Summitar Sweden Wet Plate
I stand still or move slowly, feeling things like the impulse of shapes, the direction of lines, the quality of surfaces. I frame with my eye (sometimes with my hands) as the ground glass would frame. Nothing that one could reasonably call thinking is taking place at this stage. The condition is total absorption; the decision (a picture!) is spontaneous. – Aaron Siskind, 1955